Interface TrackSetProperties



  • TrackSetProperties


arm: number

true = track is armed for recording. [not in return/master tracks]

available_input_routing_channels: string | number

The list of available source channels for the track's input routing. Only available on MIDI and audio tracks.

available_input_routing_types: string | number

The list of available source types for the track's input routing Only available on MIDI and audio tracks.

available_output_routing_channels: string | number

The list of available source channels for the track's ouput routing. Only available on MIDI and audio tracks.

available_output_routing_types: string | number

The list of available source types for the track's ouput routing. Only available on MIDI and audio tracks.

color: number

The RGB value of the scene's color in the form 0x00rrggbb or (2^16 * red) + (2^8) * green + blue, where red, green and blue are values from 0 (dark) to 255 (light).
When setting the RGB value, the nearest color from the Scene color chooser is taken.

color_index: number

The color index of the scene.

current_monitoring_state: TrackMonitoringState

Inherit Doc

fold_state: TrackFoldState

Inherit Doc

implicit_arm: boolean

A second arm state, only used by Push so far.

is_showing_chains: boolean

Get or set whether a track with an Instrument Rack device is currently showing its chains in Session View.

mute: boolean

[not in master track]

name: string

As shown in track header.

solo: boolean

Remark: when setting this property, the exclusive Solo logic is bypassed, so you have to unsolo the other tracks yourself. [not in master track]