Interface SongObservableProperties


  • SongObservableProperties


arrangement_overdub: number

Get/set the state of the MIDI Arrangement Overdub button.

back_to_arranger: number

Get/set the current state of the Back to Arrangement button located in Live's transport bar (1 = highlighted).
This button is used to indicate that the current state of the playback differs from what is stored in the Arrangement.

can_capture_midi: number

true = Recently played MIDI material exists that can be captured into a Live Track. See capture_midi.

can_jump_to_next_cue: number

false = there is no cue point to the right of the current one, or none at all.

can_jump_to_prev_cue: number

false = there is no cue point to the left of the current one, or none at all.

count_in_duration: number

The duration of the Metronome's Count-In setting as an index, mapped as follows:
0 = None
1 = 1 Bar
2 = 2 Bars
3 = 4 Bars

cue_points: number

Inherit Doc

current_song_time: number

The playing position in the Live Set, in beats.

data: number

Inherit Doc

exclusive_arm: number

Current status of the exclusive Arm option set in the Live preferences.

groove_amount: number

The groove amount from the current set's groove pool (0. - 1.0).

is_counting_in: boolean

true = the Metronome is currently counting in.

is_playing: boolean

Get/set if Live's transport is running.

loop: number

Get/set the enabled state of the Arrangement loop.

loop_length: number

Arrangement loop length in beats.

loop_start: number

Arrangement loop start in beats.

metronome: number

Get/set the enabled state of the metronome.

nudge_down: number

true = the Tempo Nudge Down button in the transport bar is currently pressed.

nudge_up: number

true = the Tempo Nudge Up button in the transport bar is currently pressed.

overdub: number

true = MIDI Arrangement Overdub is enabled in the transport.

punch_in: number

true = the Punch-In button is enabled in the transport.

punch_out: number

true = the Punch-Out button is enabled in the transport.

re_enable_automation_enabled: number

true = the Re-Enable Automation button is on.

record_mode: number

true = the Arrangement Record button is on.

scale_intervals: number[]

A list of integers representing the intervals in the current scale, expressed as the interval between the first scale degree and the scale degree at the list index.

scale_name: ScaleName

The last used scale name used for control surfaces

session_automation_record: number

The state of the Automation Arm button.

session_record: number

The state of the Session Overdub button.

session_record_status: number

Reflects the state of the Session Record button.

signature_denominator: number

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signature_numerator: number

Inherit Doc

song_length: number

A little more than last_event_time , in beats.

swing_amount: number

Range: 0.0 - 1.0; affects MIDI Recording Quantization and all direct calls to Clip.quantize.

tempo: number

Current tempo of the Live Set in BPM, 20.0 ... 999.0. The tempo may be automated, so it can change depending on the current song time.

tempo_follower_enabled: boolean

true = the Tempo Follower controls the tempo.
The Tempo Follower Toggle must be made visible in the preferences for this property to be effective.