Interface ObservableProperties


  • ObservableProperties


color: number

The RGB value of the scene's color in the form 0x00rrggbb or (2^16 * red) + (2^8) * green + blue, where red, green and blue are values from 0 (dark) to 255 (light).
When setting the RGB value, the nearest color from the Scene color chooser is taken.

color_index: number

The color index of the scene.

controls_other_clips: boolean

true for a Group Track slot that has non-deactivated clips in the tracks within its group. Control of empty clip slots doesn't count.

has_clip: boolean

true = a clip exists in this clip slot.

has_stop_button: boolean

true = this clip stops its track (or tracks within a Group Track).

playing_status: PlayingStatus

Inherit Doc